Many, Little Varied Thoughts

>> 28 July 2011

10:00PM.- I was about to sleep, when I had a silent moment with my thoughts. I keep on playing back in my head how I had spent the whole day, whether I had accomplished something or whether I had spent it wisely. And here's what I found.

Everything that happened today was a blur. As in, a wasted time..
last night, I alarmed my clock @ 3:00AM, presumably to catch up with my readings. But sadly, the comfort of my bed kept me from rising.

I got up around 9:00AM already. Took a fast brunch. Bathe. Fixed myself. Prepared my books.Opened the TV and then got stuck to it. Books- completely ignored.

If there was something I think that saved my morning, it was the movie "A Christmas Carol". Though I must admit, I really did not had a good grasp of the movie's story coz a cousin came around. But not until, I heard a very meaningful line delivered by one of its protagonists.

"But I am only mortal. I am liable to fall..."

I don't know why, but it immediately caught my attention. Although in the movie the protagonist was talking about falling literally, I can't help but take it figuratively. As in, yeah, as a mortal, I am liable to make mistakes...or yeah, as a mortal I am liable to fall in love deeply albeit stupidly. (Now, I don't want to push this topic.)

So, my thoughts had stopped there. For this afternoon, fortunately I had gone through my usual class without any glitch. I had a quick meeting with my Rizal class for the upcoming event we're planning this Tuesday and Wednesday (which I hope to God would be successful. Fingers crossed). I had a little tete-a-tete with a friend, about friendship, broken trusts and in-betweens. I don't think it went smoothly though...:)LOL. I am still pissed up about a close friend's betrayal that every time I talk about friendships, I get easily confrontational. Too bad, I'm really big on trust. Just glad, we're going on the same phase now, so he quite understood my present state of mind.

Before coming home, someone approached me and asked, why I seemed distant. " Coz that's who I am," was my cold reply. Gee..why should I stay chummy with someone who broke my trust and who doesn't deserve a minute of my time? I mean, duhhh, get real!...hahaha!

Now, really I'm going to a crap mood just thinking about that last scene. Wasteful. So, better be off to bed.
I'd rather think about my exams this Saturday than give that more thought.

Final words.


good night!


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