All is well that ends well..

>> 03 August 2011

There are atleast 3 men in our lives that gives us headaches.

First, is our boyfriends.
Second is our guy-bestfriends
Third, is our exes.

I'm just thankful that now, I'm having my peace. :)
So I'm counting my blessings!!yipeee!!

Take for instance my boyfriend.
Marvin is level-headed,...He understands me better than anyone else. He accepts me wholly as a person with all my imperfections. Luckily,with him, I don't have to deal with irrational jealousies because he is comfortable with his own skin. He's simply my rock. Very dependable and I thank God for sending him to me..

Then, there's my 2 guy-bestfriends. Reagan and Francis.
Reagan is based in Manila now, and I'm missing him a lot this days. What I love with lolo (my petname for him) is that, he is subtle..he simply knew what I want and when I want it. He sings for me, teaches me guitar and really bond with me and my family. He's the uber-cool guy. My Menthol. :)) We simply click as friends. We share the same interests, understands well our peculiarities and ours is the smooth-sailing, chill-type of friendship.

With Francis, it's a completely different story. Ours is the friendship that had gone through different tides, both low and high. We've been swept by winds and  brushed by storms. In short, we've been through a lot together. Ours is the bitter-sweet friendship that had been tested by difficult times.In the past, we had hurt each other with the things we do and say, we have basket-cases (loads of it!) and one time or another, we had lost footings...but at the end of the day, we always fought with courage to save that which is worth saving- our FRIENDSHIP.

Lastly, there's the EX. My sweetest-downfall. "Tryke" was the one who hurt me beyond words. But all's that are things of the past now. Though I still sometimes feel the pain I felt when the relationship came to an end, looking back, I realized that it never really came as abrupt as I thought it did then. There were actually many signs telling me that we were not meant to be, I simply had chosen not to acknowledge it, until I was ready. But you see, the world had moved on. I am happy with my relationship now, and I'm sure he is too, with his own.

As they say, everything we learn can be summed up in three words-



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