>> 10 April 2017

I finally had been able to enter a post title. 

My last post was more than a year ago. I cannot fathom how a lot of big changes had happened since. One being that, I finally joined the Department of Education family. 
I know I must be happy. I finally found my ministry. This is what I wanted all along. The second chance I had been praying.

But why do I have misgivings? Why do I have second thoughts? Why do I have  a wandering heart? 
Is it because a human heart is never content?  Or am I JUST missing something?

I still want to teach. WITH ALL MY HEART. I still WANT to. I even NEED TO.
So what the heck is wrong?

I don't know. 
I do. But at the same time I don't.
I have to meditate on this too.
I am about to make a big decision. I hope everything will turn out as planned. 
We'll see...


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