Facts about the Blogger

>> 12 June 2011

♣ i'm laid back.
♣ i love to read..
♣ i love sunsets..
♣ i love beaches..
♣ i'm crazy about people who knew they are beautiful.
..who knew their worth and knew how to stand for whatever they believe in.
♣ can be submissive but can be really stubborn
♣ i'm brutally honest but I can be polite if i like..:)
♣ i sometimes tend to be pensive
♣i'm comfortable with who i am
♣i can be difficult at times.
♣i get stuck in an emotional rut, but sooner get over it
♣my family & friends are my treasure..
♣i go gaga over comedy movies
♣i'm duper sensitive..
♣i'm low maintenance.:)go ask my bf!haha..
♣i love books!!..
♣i collect YES mags!lol..
♣i go nuts over rocky road ice creams, chococakes, and sweets!!
♣i'm not into what you have, i'm more on what you ARE
♣i'm more of a homebody..but i enjoy outdoors.
♣i'm a quintessential music lover!.
♣i know what i want & i don't submit until i have my way.
♣i'm not picky on friends..coz i don't turn my back on anyone who turns to me for friendship.
♣i can be as sweet as a kitten and as fierce as a lioness.
♣i assert my control over my LIFE.
♣i don't allow anyone to step on me much less my family.

♥Telling me that i can't do something is a surefire invitation for me to prove i can.



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