
>> 24 May 2012

i read about this story in a great book titled MACH II With your Hair on Fire by Richard Bliss Brooke. it’s a book about the art of Personal Vision and Self-Motivation.
im a believer of the power of inspiration. so i hope the following story will rub on you some miracle as it did to me…
happy reading..

The flood

One day a massive flood came to a town and the water kept rising. A man climbed to the roof of his house, having great faith that God would save him.
Two rescuers in the boat yelled for him to get in their boat. The man replied “No thanks. God will save me.” The rescuers went on to save others and the water continued to rise.
Later, a helicopter hovered over the man’s house and dropped a ladder to the man. The pilot yelled for him to climb the ladder to safety as the waters kept rising. The man yelled to the pilot “No thanks. God will save me.” The helicopter flew on to save others as the water was quickly rising.
Finally, the flood swept over the man’s house and he was washed away and drowned. As he arrived in heaven, he told God, “I had great faith in You and thought You would spare me from the flood.” God replied, “I sent you a boat and a helicopter. What more could I do?”
-Author Anonymous


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